Friday, April 30, 2010

First trip to L&D but we're fine.

We had the joy of spending most of last week in L&D. I got a bug I couldn't shake and got extremely dehydrated and couldn't keep anything (including ice chips) down.

The previous saturday afternoon I got extremely sick and had to call Banks to come home from playing tennis. I hoped it was a bug that would pass quickly but on Sunday I couldn't keep down water, or ice chips. They admitted me to L&D for fluids and gave me zofran before I was d/ced, and I was feeling better. Unfortunately it didn't last, I was scheduled to follow up w/ the OB on Tuesday and I was as bad or worse so they admitted me again and kept me this time. I spent the rest of the week there getting meds and fluids and feeling like crap. Finally on Friday I started feeling better and I was d/ced again on Saturday.

I'm still a little weak and getting back to normal but all in all I'm better now. I saw the dr. again on Weds for what's being treated as my 24 week aptment and Sweetpea and I are good.

So that's what we're up to. I'll be updating w/ a belly pic in the next couple days!


Victoria said...

Ugh! I am so sorry to read this. That bug has been going around big time. My son had it for 3 days (vomiting/diarrhea) then it went away for two and came back for two. We have done a lot of sheet washing here.
Our pedi said her nurse, who works at our local hospital, said they were full of adults and kids last weekend, all with the same bug, all getting IV fluids.
Another friend said her 5 year old has had it on/off for 12 days!
I hope you are truly on the mend and that this weekend allows you to regain your strength

ks said...

Sorry to hear you were so sick! I hope you keep on the mend now and get to enjoy the last half of this pregnancy! Gosh this seems to be flying by! :)

I hope this weekend helps you get stronger and healthy again. All my best!

Unknown said...

Oh no! I'm so so so glad you're ok! I've been thinking about you tons! How scary! I'm glad they kept you in the hospital though... We had the flu bug here too, thankfully it never really hit me like it did the twins & DH! Just rest and take it easy!

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

I used donor eggs and gave birth to wonderful boy last year! I have no regrets at all! At first I had some doubts. I was nervous so much. I know how it feels… All that waiting is just driving you crazy. I was looking at other women, who have already become mothers. I was so jealous. I thought maybe I've done something bad? Maybe I just don't deserve to get what I want? Yes, it's hard, because it's not our fault we can't conceive naturally. But still we should be grateful for such chance to have this procedure and become mothers! The greatest fear was that I will not be able to love child, which is not genetically related to me. It's much easier for man to accept this procedure, because a baby will be from him. As it was my only way out, I decided we should try. It was a difficult, but the result changed our lives! After a couple of months of thorough search, reading of hundreds reviews and contacting clinics directly we've found clinic in Europe. I wanted a baby who I will carry and give birth by myself. I wanted to be with him from the moment of his birth, from his first breath. Of course, I wanted baby to look like us. But as soon as the doctor made an embryo transfer, the only thing I was thinking about was pregnancy to be successful and my baby to be born healthy! Now I have absolutely no feeling that my son is not mine genetically! No one can ever tell he is from donor egg. We decided not to tell our parents the whole truth. For them we had ivf with my eggs and my husband's sperm. If you have firmly decided to become a mother, no difficulties will stop you. I'm not going to tell my son that I used donor egg of another woman to get pregnant. I'm sure he doesn't need to worry about this in the future. This fact will change nothing for him. I've never regret about my decision!