Friday, June 26, 2009

TSH results in

and it's not good. It's only come up to .26 (from .22)after 4 weeks so we've lowered my meds again and I'll have to wait another 4-6 weeks to check it again and for our FET.

I just want this to happen already. Maybe this is a sign that we should quit and go straight to adoption, but I'm so not ready to do that yet. I really want this to work and I'm getting so frustrated with waiting. I want to be pregnant and have our baby.

I'm getting scared it's going to take months to get my TSH back in line and we'll have lost all this time, and if it takes too long maybe only get 1 FET before the year is up. I really really really want to do our FET soon.

I'm pretty disappointed/upset about this even though it's no one's fault. I'll e-mail the FET nurse monday and get a plan together. Hopefully I can go off my HRT and that way if the tsh comes back normal next time we can immediately start working on the FET w/o waiting for me to suppress. Even with that the absolute soonest we can cycle will be early to mid August which makes me sad.


Eb said...

oh man, so sorry to hear that. I totally empathize about your frustrations. We have been trying so long with so many bumps in the road. Here's to you getting your getting a home run before the end of the year.

Unknown said...

It always seems like there's bumps no matter what when we go through this. I was hoping and praying for good news. $h!t!!!! Ugh! I'm SO frustrated for you! I know what it's like to wait and it's not fun. Just try your best to be patient (I know, I know...) and just know that God knows how and when the time is right. Just take this time to reflect on things, pray and become closer to the Lord, He knows what it best. Trust me. When you get that baby (no matter how it got there), you will praise and thank God each and every moment that baby/child looks at you and know that this was the child/baby meant for you! You will know what He made you wait. Keeping you always in my thoughts and prayers... (hugs)

Brenda said...

Oh, I'm so sorry. I was really hoping for better news for you. All of this is stressful enough without waiting for something else to work. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

ks said...

That sucks! My tsh took about awhile to get to the right level too. It's so frustrating! But it is better to get it right first! All the best to you!

Bella said...

Sweetie, I am so sorry. I so hope it gets regulated very soon. ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry that your level didn't go up enough. I know how frustrating it is to have to totally stinks and no one should have to do it. I really hope you get some good news on your TSH soon.