Friday, April 10, 2009


We have 15 embies that are developing properly in the lab right now! They retrieved 24, 17 were mature and 15 fertilized and are growing. This is very similar to the donor's last cycle where it was a BFP and there were a few frozens. So I'm feeling very optimistic and hopeful that we'll not only get pregnant but we'll have a few frosties for a sibling in a few years!

We'll be doing a 5dt on Tuesday so now we're just pausing until then. We're hitting the zoo to keep us busy today and Sat. we're going to Niagra Falls. Should be fun.

We're still planning on a single embryo transfer but won't make the final decision until we hear how things look on Tuesday. It's very unlikely we'll do anything but an eSET unless things look very bad.


Eb said...

Congratulations! you sound overjoyed! What a great result.

Anonymous said...

That's great news!! Congratulations, and good luck with the transfer.

Peeveme said...

It's just a matter of time now. Everything looks like it's going as well as it could have gone.

Bella said...

That's awesome!! Grow, embies, grow!!

Unknown said...

what great numbers! Exciting!! grow grow grow!! have fun checking out the sights! Can't wait to hear more! :)

Brenda said...

Congratulations, that is awesome, awesome news. I cannot wait for more posts!