Friday, April 17, 2009


We have 10, yes 10 frozen embies. the 6 great ones from Tuesday continued doing great and were frozen and 4 of the others caught up and were doing well so they were frozen as well.

I have to admit it takes a lot of worry off knowing that if this transfer doesn't work (which I REALLY REALLY want it to) we have options. Especially given that the clinic does all FETs at no cost for the year following the fresh transfer.

I'm hoping I really am pregnant and we won't need any of them until we're ready for #2. The other thing that makes me really happy about it is I'd love to have 3 children and w/ this many embies I might be able to talk Banks into it. He'd prefer 2 at this point, but mainly due to the cost involved, since FETs are relatively inexpensive maybe just maybe I can sway him. Yeah I am SOOO jumping the gun even thinking about that.

Oh and we are back home and getting settled back in. It's so nice to be back in our own home. I enjoyed our trip but it'll be so nice to sleep in our own bed tonight.

ETA: I got the clinic to move up the beta to Weds, since they close early on Thurs and I was worried about gettting the results same day. I really didn't want to worry about that overnight. So that's another plus for the day!

Expect nothing. Live frugally on surprise.
-Alice Walker


Jill said...

That's a great number of snowbabies, and I'm pulling for the first cycle to work, so you can keep them on ice for #2! GL to you and Banks!

Bella said...

That is GREAT!!! I hope you don't need them for a year or two, but that's soooo nice to know they're there!!! Congrats!