Saturday, April 18, 2009


The nerves hit today. I was feeling SOOO positive and great until this morning when for some reason I started to get nervous.

I don't know why the nerves hit there is every reason to be hopeful but the fear of it not working kind of wriggled in for some reason today.

I'm going to try my best to hold off poas until Weds. but since I have a 2 pack hpt I may test on Tuesday.

I want this to work so badly that the idea of a BFN scares the heck out of me. I want to be a mom and I would be so thrilled to be pregnant and almost due this Christmas. I want to be a mom by 2010.

Anyway it's going to be a LOOONG 4 days waiting for Weds to get here. So any calm and peaceful vibes you want to send my way would be great!

1 comment:

Bella said...

Well, I am so not patient, but I'll try to send my best calm & peaceful vibes. With your great fresh blasts and your awesome frosties, you've got to have some great little sticky embies in there! That's my opinion anyway and I sure hope it's right! Good luck, I'll be anxiously awaiting your test results!