Monday, April 20, 2009

Negative HPT

I started testing this morning and it was negative. It's not really a surprise @ only 6dp5dt (11 dpo) it was really unlikely to be positive. Especially since I know it isn't twins.

I'm still really disappointed I'll feel so much better once I get a + hpt. I'm also really getting nervous about whether it worked or not.

I wish I could just fast forward to Weds and know one way or the other. Seriously somebody needs to invent a time machine for the 2ww.

Oh well, hoping that I have different news tomorrow.


Bella said...

Yes, it is too early....I am pulling for you sweetie! Hoping for a great # on Wednesday!

Brenda said...

I HATE the two week wait. The second half just seems to drag on, and on, and on..... Ugh. I'm sending lots of good vibes your way that Wednesday will give you a great number! :)

squarepeg said...

It is super early - keep trying, I know you'll get a nice + in the next day or so!!!